Below is the code that needs to be place into the header of the site so that we can track and record the calls coming in.  

Compassionate GEMs

Introducing the compassionate Gems

Will you join our Compassionate GEMs, our community of monthly donors, bringing extra care and love to residents in need?
With a monthly gift in any amount, you’ll become a member of the Compassionate GEMS, a passionate community focused on ensuring that all residents at Bethany Life are cared for in a loving, supportive, and spiritual way, for as long as they live.

Your gift, as little as $5 a month, less than a cup of coffee or tea a day, will make a difference and is deeply appreciated.

Easy. Affordable. Convenient. Safe.

Compassionate GEMs - giving every month

the Compassionate GEMs

Will you join?
Now there’s an even easier way to support Bethany Life, residents and programs. With a monthly gift of $5 or more you’ll be part of our Compassionate GEMs. You’ll receive updates on how your gifts are making a difference and you’ll receive an overview of your gifts every January.
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace."
– 1 Peter 4:10